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Measphere programs are today's answer to a much-needed understanding of the life process and what it means to be human. Since the beginning of man's existence, our journey has been to evolve our awareness. We are now shifting into high gear as life patterns begin to take on a new patina asking you to "tune in" to your Inner Genius. Without this as a conscious choice, the evolution of our humanity will challenge our very existence.

Afternoon Light

Personal Profile

Pamela A. Meadows

As we look at the world today we see a great disharmony in our personal and collective worlds. Mental and emotional issues such as depression, suicide, and addictions have risen exponentially. Violence, racial discord, and homelessness are on the rise almost daily. It is not without great personal turmoil from within that such turmoil is released out into the world at large. Humanity is in need of a new understanding of its self-identity. This SELF-LOSS is at the core of the personal and collective challenges we face today.


I too faced a monumental shift in my own identity 12 years ago which began a time of great personal sacrifice. It was through this constant endeavor to overcome these challenges that I learned a new way to perceive life and our place in it, and through this, I developed my own process for quelling the storms of adversity until I transversed them and rose from the other side.


I can say with all certainty that this, “path of one”, as I’ve come to know it, is the purest way to come out ahead of the curve of Self-Loss, for it is upon the individual that this higher sense of Self is bestowed. This, literally, is the path to self-regard, self-fortitude, self-trust, and self-knowing at its highest command of Being. This path can only become, “individual”, upon one’s own willingness to direct their attention, time, and awareness toward a deeper understanding of their own existence.


It is in the truest sense that we are here as a conscious species on Earth to lead the way to an evolved sense of self-understanding and life purpose.


I am older, yes, but imbued with the wisdom I could not have attained by any other means than this truly remarkable path of becoming an expression of my Authentic Self.


Interests I support:

  • Nature Conservancy

  • Native American Heritage

  • Noise Free America

  • Institutions for the blind

  • The Guide Dog Foundation


Shadowy Leaves
Past and Present

Self-Awareness Expert, Author, Artist, Entrepreneur

The role of conscious awareness in our daily lives cannot be overstated. It is the source, the key, and the door to evolving us to the next level of our human potential.

Professional Background


Founder, Author, and Fitness Developer of  Measphere Self-Awareness Training. â€‹

  • Founder, Measphere, Newport News, VA

  • Producer/Creator, Mea.Fit Subtle Body Workout and videos

  • Author/Designer, Meascripts Self-Awareness Guide

  • Wellness Instructor, Veteran's First Program for the Sofia Health platform 

  • Artist in Residence, Mint Julep, Hampton, VA


Returned to the States after 17 yrs in Basel, Switzerland to establish my business and care-giver for elderly parents.  



Publisher - Novartis Pharmaceuticals Health Newsletter; Self-employed, Visual Identity & Concepts; Leadership for group sharing energetic principles in business; Foreign language teacher, Inlingua; Sports-sponsoring Project Manager, UBS; Graphic Designer, visual identity firm, Int/Ext Identity; Self-published Author, The Book of O; Editor for American Women's Club newsletter;

Developed  Mea.Fit programs, Basel, Switzerland


Executive Assistant - Olympic Decathlete, Bruce Jenner and Jazz Musician, Lee Ritenour;

Director of Special Events, Petersen Automotive Museum, Los Angeles, CA


Goodwill Ambassador, RJ Reynolds/Nabisco, for international sports car racing series, Greensboro, NC; Commercial Actress

Education &Training

B.A. Art, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Undergraduate studies, Christopher Newport College, Newport News, VA

  • English Language Teaching Certificate, Inlingua Language School, Basel, Switzerland

  • Presentation Skills, int/ext Academy, Basel, Switzerland

  • Variety of fitness modalities and sports including tennis, softball, basketball, jazzercise, modern dance, Yoga, Pilates, cross-training

  • German & French languages

  • Acting, Actors Studio, Studio City, CA



Born in Ft. Hood, TX. As a daughter of an Army veteran and registered nurse. I've lived in 9 states, 3 of them twice. In 1972 my family moved from Leavenworth, KS to Hampton, VA where I completed my elementary, middle, and high school education, working as a graphic artist during high school. I played a lot of sports, both organized and free time, and earned the Presidential Physical Fitness Award. Growing up a tom-boy, I pursued basketball, softball, tennis, rollerblading, and biking. I've always had a great love of dance and was named Best Dancer in high school. As an outdoor lover, I powerwalk every day. My fitness regime was instilled early in me, trying to keep up with my twin and 2 other brothers as well as having a father who's a sports enthusiast. I was just out of university when the Jazzercize craze began. I was soon introduced to the first nationwide Yoga studio, Yogaworks, in Santa Monica, CA before Yoga became mainstream. Disappointed in the Pilates classes I tried, but inspired by the Reformer Machine I created my own fitness program, Mea.Fit .


My self-study in the fields of consciousness and integrated health modalities began over 30 yrs ago. I studied new-age luminaries such as Deepak Chopra, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Carolina Myss. The IONS Institute in CA was my introduction to scientific research in expanding human capacities and consciousness. I have since lived a first-hand account of how consciousness affects our lives, our emotions, and our daily struggles in getting to that "happy" place so many people cannot reach. I hope to be able to shine some light on those dark days and bring understanding to that which still alludes so many of us in this world today. Meascripts is the result of that long, hard journey back to the heart.

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